Korabco Books

Korabco Books

A simple web application in which users proof ownership of books by answering a one-time book question, submit link Amazon review of book, download free MP3 audio file/free APP.

Korabco allow it's admin to :

  • Add, edit, delete books.
  • Add 10 questions for each book with edit, delete.
  • Validate review url submitted by the user and the system send mail to the user which contains the App Download link after ownership of his book has been proven.
  • View database reports with search + filter features and generate pdf, excel, csv files.

User proof ownership of a book

User proof book ownership by adding a book to the list of 'My-Book' through answering a one-time book question.

  • User download free MP3 file and Submit Amazon Review URL in order to download free APP on which the button of it is not activated by default for the user; but became activated only if the admin has validated the Review URL.
  • System make sure that the Amazon Review URL is unique and valid (which respects the syuntax of all Amazon International URLs amazon.com, amazon.fr, amazon.de .. etc).